Photo by Master Eirik Andersen. |
As many are aware this summer will see Society Level event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The event will be celebrated in the Middle Kingdom in the State of Indiana, at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds & Conference Complex from June 16th to June 27th, 2016.
We will be attending and have registered land for the Kingdom (under Ealdormere). Opening Ceremonies will be held on Sunday June 19th. Closing Ceremonies on Saturday June 25th. There will be a Kingdom Block Party on Wednesday June 22nd.
Please drop us a note via email ( if you are camping and have registered.
We will be sharing information as it is made available to us and will be seeking lots of ideas, help and support in the next few months. Specifically we will be seeking some assistance with the Kingdom's History display and would also ask folks to nominate persons for the Memorial Wall.
Amongst other things, each Kingdom is being asked to provide a Kingdom History and space is being provided them. Each Kingdom will be allotted a 20-24’ (length) x 8’ (Depth) space located in the Hendricks Power Exposition Hall, as well as, 3 tables, one half a two foot display case and a large 14 poster frame holder.
They are asking that each Kingdom's display include the following:
• A banner or sign displaying the name of the Kingdom
• A large Kingdom device displaying the arms of the Kingdom
• King and Queen Lineage on a large easily readable display
• Pictures or items that are a part of the Kingdom’s history (example: coronets, gowns, casting molds from important items, mantles, old armor, new armor etc.)
• A 10 minute video on the history and traditions of the Kingdom
• A banner or sign displaying the name of the Kingdom
• A large Kingdom device displaying the arms of the Kingdom
• King and Queen Lineage on a large easily readable display
• Pictures or items that are a part of the Kingdom’s history (example: coronets, gowns, casting molds from important items, mantles, old armor, new armor etc.)
• A 10 minute video on the history and traditions of the Kingdom
Additionally Recommended but not required:
• Any written Kingdom histories
• Peerage Lineages
• Displays of Kingdom traditions o Kingdom songs recorded or written for viewing and listening
• Any written Kingdom histories
• Peerage Lineages
• Displays of Kingdom traditions o Kingdom songs recorded or written for viewing and listening
• Lists and depictions of Kingdom level awards
• Maps of territories, baronies, shires etc.
• All the things that make our Kingdom unique!!
• Maps of territories, baronies, shires etc.
• All the things that make our Kingdom unique!!
Master Giovanni has agreed to help coordinate the actual history display at 50 Year. What we need from you is assistance in gathering and creating these things. If you are interested in assisting with any of these things please contact us. We would ask each Order to assemble a lineage for us and will be reaching out to them in the near future.
We would love to hear from you what items / artefacts you feel are important to Ealdormere and should be displayed - things such as Champion collars, original crowns, lineage peerage regalia, etc. Let us know what items you feel represent Ealdormere.
Please email us and let us know if you plan on attending 50 year and if you will be camping.
Nigel and Adrielle
Rex et Regina Ealdormere
Nigel and Adrielle
Rex et Regina Ealdormere