Greetings unto the industrious populace of Skraeling Althing from Baron Shahid and Baroness Catherine.
This autumn we had the pleasure of attending another fine Feast of the Hare. This is a special event for Us, and We were not disappointed with the wonderful turnout and activities. This was a particularly exciting Feast of the Hare, as the Rick Mercer Report was filming for the day. (For viewing details, see the Ealdormere Gazette).
We held two very well attended tournaments, on for armoured combat and one for rapier combat. Congratulations to Sir Trumbrand the Wanderer for winning the armoured combat tournament.
We would also like to congratulate the following people who were given awards in Their Magesties court. Congratulations to His Excellency Duncan Gabha MacLachlan MacLeod for receiving a Court Barony. We are so very pleased and proud!. Congratulations also to The Honourable Lord Dafydd ap Alan for his admission into the Order of the Crucible, and to The Honourable Lord Laurenz Tonnemacher for his admission to the Order of Thorbjorn’s Hammer. Not only are they now Honourable Lords, but they also hold the honour of being our Rapier and Armoured Combat Champions. Wassail! We were also well pleased to see Lady Maeve Dubh receive an Award of the Scarlet Banner, Lady Song Zidie receive an Award of the Maiden’s Heart, and Lady Gwendolyn of Aldburg receive an Award of the Orion. Congratulations, everyone!
During Our afternoon court We were pleased to award the following:- Sir Mordain Blackcloak – Order of the Hare Valiant
- Sir Menken Brechen – Order of the Hare Valiant
- Sir Baldric Leeman of Newcastle Emlyn – Order of the Hare Valiant
- Sir Varakii Varenko Idanovich – Order of the Hare Valiant
- Sir AElfwyn et Langanwuda – Order of the Hare Valiant
- Lady Kaðlín Konálsdottir – Order of the Black Hare
- Lord Gunnar of Caldrithig – Award Of Arms (on Behalf of Quilliam III and Domhnail II)
- Lord Ulric the Lawless – Award of Arms (on Behalf of Nigel III and Adrielle III)
- Lady Milandra Longwei – Award of Arms (on Behalf of Nigel III and Adrielle III)
- Alois of Caldrithig – Bunny Tail
- Dalen Cauldin of Tor Brant – Bunny Tail
- Giovanni Orseolo – Bunny Tail
- Muscutain – Bunny Tail
- Olivier of Caldrithig – Bunny Tail
- Randall d’Orleans – Bunny Tail
- Zophia – Bunny Tail
We always love hearing about the good things people are doing in this Barony. We would encourage anyone who feels a gentle is deserving of an award, either Kingdom or Baronial, to please write them in. Skraeling Althing has an online form here: and the Ealdormere form is here:
In Service,
Shahid and Catherine
Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing
Shahid and Catherine
Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing