Honors given by Dafydd and Mahhild, at War of the Trillium, July 4, 2015, A.S. L
Golden Bear
Lady Ailis de la Marche
THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr
Bear\'s Claw
THL Brendan Hunterson
Outgoing champions dismissed: Lord Rorik of Septentria (Armoured), Lord Einar Inn Austrifera Josepson (Archery), Lord Geoffroy Richardson (called G.G.--Rapier) and Lord Geirrart* (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).
Incoming champions appointed: THL Graeme de Liste de Cherbourg (Armoured), Nemy the Non-Speaking (Archery), THL Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell (Rapier), Lord Geirhart (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).
Lord Fuld Beauxarmes stepped down as Seneschal of Petrea Thule, succeeded by THL Brendan Hunterson.
THL Catriona inghean Ragnaill announced the winners of the Thrown Weapons tournament--THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr (overall), James (new thrower) and Christopher (youth).
Baronial announcements were made regarding Pennsic, and the contest to design the children\'s Bear Cub award medallion.
[*Editor's note: Gerart vander Borch]
Golden Bear
Lady Ailis de la Marche
THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr
Bear\'s Claw
THL Brendan Hunterson
Outgoing champions dismissed: Lord Rorik of Septentria (Armoured), Lord Einar Inn Austrifera Josepson (Archery), Lord Geoffroy Richardson (called G.G.--Rapier) and Lord Geirrart* (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).
Incoming champions appointed: THL Graeme de Liste de Cherbourg (Armoured), Nemy the Non-Speaking (Archery), THL Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell (Rapier), Lord Geirhart (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).
Lord Fuld Beauxarmes stepped down as Seneschal of Petrea Thule, succeeded by THL Brendan Hunterson.
THL Catriona inghean Ragnaill announced the winners of the Thrown Weapons tournament--THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr (overall), James (new thrower) and Christopher (youth).
Baronial announcements were made regarding Pennsic, and the contest to design the children\'s Bear Cub award medallion.
[*Editor's note: Gerart vander Borch]