[Posted to Facebook earlier today:]
Lady Magdalena Winter
Land One, Pennsic 44
A letter from the Deputy Mayor for Land at Pennsic 44:
After spending last weekend at Cooper’s Lake and looking at the situation there, several hard decisions were made for the 11,765 people preregistered for Pennsic.
No further condensing could be done on the 18 blocks that were seriously over-booked because most blocks could not sustain extra people without compromising the safety of the campers. The groups that had to be moved off their blocks due to this over-crowding were chosen based on the number of people needing to be moved. A total of 383 campers were over the limit in their block and we're relocated.
With 3 more storms forecast for this week, it would only get worse.
The blocks that were closed due to flooding added 91 campers to be moved due to their blocks closing (including the camps of the Mayor and Land1).
That made 474 campers for whom we needed to find another home, for this year ONLY. No seniority will be compromised! Tough decisions were made and we ask that you wait till you arrive and see the status of your block.
I will be available in the Great Hall during Land hours for anyone wishing to discuss this.