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Changes to Arts and Sciences in Ealdormere

Greetings unto the Populace of Ealdormere from your Kingdom Minister of Arts & Science, Baroness Lucia;

I am super pleased with the number of A&S competitions that are happening around the Kingdom. I am super excited about the upcoming A&S displays that are part of the Royal whims of Their Royal Majesties.

I am now announcing policy changes for Kingdom A&S after the very productive Kingdom A&S Moot. The biggest change is that I will be dropping the existing 5 categories. The most exciting change is the introduction of sponsored prizes. 

Please read over the rules below. They will also be put up on the A&S page, and incorporated into the A&S Policy document. I hope these rules reflect the wishes of the A&S community. Feedback and questions are welcome at ealdormere.kmoas@gmail.com or on the e-list.

in your service


Kingdom A&S Tournament Rules:
1. Ealdormere’s A&S Champion will be picked from entrants in a Pentathlon style tournament: a minimum of 5 scored entries per candidate, showing breadth and depth in the artisans work.
2. Pentathlon challengers must have a current SCA membership and be ready to provide proof of membership day of tournament.
3. Artisans must be in attendance on the day of Kingdom A&S to enter Pentathlon but all other categories can be entered in absentia.
4. Projects entered in the Kingdom A&S tournament, or Pentathlon, must have been completed within the last two years or less. There is no time limit for starting a project.
5. Projects entered in the Kingdom A&S tournament, or Pentathlon, must have not been entered into the Kingdom A&S Tournament in the past.
6. Projects that have been entered into other tournaments, or displays, can still be entered into Kingdom A&S or the Pentathlon.
7. Partially completed projects, or damaged projects, can be submitted into Kingdom A&S Tournament, or Petathlon, as long as the artist provides documentation that shows significant knowledge in that area.
8. Group projects are allowed to be entered into the Kingdom A&S tournament but not entered as a Pentathlon entry.
9. Pentathlon entries will also be considered for ‘Best in Show” and the other prizes.
10. All entries requiring a score, including Pentathlon entries, must register for the Kingdom A&S Tournament 4 weeks ahead of time using the electronic form on Ealdormere.ca.
11. Projects may be designated novice, or display only, by the artist and will receive feedback but will not receive a numbered score.
12. Novice, or display only pieces may be submitted on the day of the Kingdom A&S tournament, however there may not be a set judging time for these items if they are not also registered 4 weeks in advance.
13. Unscored novice, or display items will not be counted towards the 5 items required for Pentathlon.
14. Research papers must be submitted to the KMoAS at least 3 weeks in advance of the Kingdom A&S tournament.
15. Documentation for scored projects must be submitted electronically to KMoAS at least 2 weeks in advance of the tournament. If feedback on documentation is desired on a non-scored item it is recommended that documentation is submitted up to 1 week in advance to the KMoAS.
16. Artisans are responsible for providing one printed copy of their documentation to display with each entry.
17. Registered bardic, or other registered performance work, can be submitted to KMoAS electronically up to 2 weeks in advance of tournament for judging.
18. Artisans can withdraw from pent or the scored tournament without penalty.
KMoAS will make every attempt to give feedback sheets to artisans in a timely manner.

1. Novice, and display only entries will be grouped together and will remain unscored.
2. Child (age 0-12) may be grouped together, and will remained unscored unless requested by artist. A parent or legal guardian must attend any scheduled feedback or judging time slots.
3. Youth (age 13-17) may be grouped together, and will remained unscored unless requested by artist.
4. Pentathlon candidates will have their entries grouped together for ease of comparison, with each artisan being allotted a display table of their own.
5. All other projects are grouped together with an attempt made to combine similar projects for ease of judging.
There are no other categories.

1. Winners of each of the following categories will be called up in Kingdom court to receive their prize(s).
2. A&S Pentathlon winner is picked by the Pentathlon Judges and Crown.
3. The Crown decides the A&S Champion, picked (on the recommendation of the Pent Judges) from the Pentathlon entrants.
4. Best in Show is picked by highest judges score, as tabulated by KMoAS and data entry deputies, before court begins.
5. The sitting royal family may award additional prizes if they are so moved, e.g. “Queen's Choice Prize, King's Choice Prize, etc"
Sponsored Prizes:
A) Other prizes can be sponsored by
individuals or by groups. The individual or group sponsoring must provide a gift for the winner of their sponsored prize.
B) Recipients are picked by sponsor unless agreed upon with KMoAS in advance.
C) Prize categories (ie best hat) must be pre- approved by KMoAS before lunch (or half-way through the tournament) the day of Kingdom A&S. There will be no allowances made for people inspired to give presents in the middle of court.
D) Prize categories must be general in
category rather than specific. ie ‘hats’ instead of ‘german hats’ or ‘Best Persona
Development’ not ‘Best Barbarian Pirate’
E) Prize categories will be promoted to the populace in advance of the Kingdom A&S
tournament by the KMoAS unless directed
otherwise by sponsor(s).

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