Unto the populace of Ealdormere comes these words from Her Royal Highess
Adrielle patroness of the Arts and Sciences, and QPT Wrangler, greetings.
Queens Prize Tournament is less than a month away and all are welcome. The
competition is geared toward getting people involved in the arts, and entry
is restricted to Novice Artisans - specifically those who have an AOA arts
award or less. The idea is to provide some mentorship for newer artisans by
the Crucible and Laurels. The entrants get some feedback and have the
opportunity to meet others who do similar stuff. It also is a great
opportunity for folks to hone their judging skills. Folks who just want to
see the cool stuff being made are also more than welcome to come out.
If someone wishes to enter, they find a sponsor - someone who has a Crucible
(or equivalent) or a Laurel. The hope is that the Crucibles and Laurels
would make it known they want to sponsor folks. The sponsor acts like a
mentor, and helps prepare the person and answer questions about
documentation, is there to bounce ideas off of... that sort of thing.
There is a FB page or you can email and we will assist.
Entries do not have to be 100% completed, it can be a work progress or even
a failed attempt. Documentation does not need to be a novel or dissertation
- a basic what, why, how, what inspired it, etc is great.
In addition, all the items are on display and everyone who attends the event
is encouraged to walk around and view the entries and see which ones they
are particularly impressed with, and leave small tokens like beads or
chocolate for entrant's to say, "Hey, I really think this is nifty".
Every sponsor donates and/or creates one "cool dubis" for every person they
During the judging, the entrant has face to face interactions with
(hopefully) 3 judges in discussion format. This is for friendly feed back
and the judges evaluate the entrants' projects, and make suggestions as far
as what could be done differently, how to improve the documentation, what
resources the entrant might not be aware of... that sort of thing. It's
"Intro to Judging 101", in a non-threatening, non-confrontational
environment with the main goal to encourage people who don't have a lot of
experience with competition. The 'judging' is more like a round table where
people sit with the entrant and give them face to face feedback and would be
a sharing of information and ideas. Entrant can ask questions etc.
Towards the end of the day, the sponsors will go and get the name of an
entrant with a project that they like... and it's a good idea to have
several in mind in case someone else has already grabbed the name you
wanted. :-) Preferably not someone you sponsored. The idea is that
everyone who enters gets a prize from someone just for entering. During
court the sponsors hand the herald the name, the entrant gets called up and
receives their prize from a sponsor. There will also be a Queen's Choice for
the entry Her Majesty is most impressed by. We will also have a Judge's
choice entrant (not to be the same as the Queen's choice).
Entrant Information
* Entrants must be sponsored by a Companion of the Order of the
Crucible (or equivalent), or a Companion to the Order of the Laurel.
* Each entrant is entitled to one entry.
* Entries that have been entered before in any Arts and Sciences
Championship or equivalent outside Ealdormere, Queen's Prize Tournament or
equivalent, are not eligible for entry.
* Judging will be conducted in a face-to-face manner against Novice
Sponsor Information
* Sponsors may sponsor a maximum of five entries.
* Sponsors may not judge the entrants they sponsored.
* Sponsors must bring one prize per each entrant sponsored. These
prizes will be awarded at Court and must be awarded to entrants who were
sponsored by another sponsor.
* Sponsors must be in attendance at the Event
* Sponsors are encouraged to work with entrants on the development of
their entries.
* Sponsor's much bring one prize per entrant sponsored. If they
sponsor a child they are asked to provide a prize suitable to a child.
* There will be a Queen's Prize award for the entry of Her Majesty's
* Each entrant will receive a prize from one of the sponsors (not
their sponsor).
* Those individuals judging shall vote towards the recipient of a
Judge's Choice Award. Typically the prize basket is a collection of items
contributed from those individuals who judged.
I will happily accept donations to both the Queen's Choice and the Judges'
I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful displays! Any questions
regarding QPT should be directed to qptwrangler@gmail.com
In Service,
Princess Ealdormere
Adrielle patroness of the Arts and Sciences, and QPT Wrangler, greetings.
Queens Prize Tournament is less than a month away and all are welcome. The
competition is geared toward getting people involved in the arts, and entry
is restricted to Novice Artisans - specifically those who have an AOA arts
award or less. The idea is to provide some mentorship for newer artisans by
the Crucible and Laurels. The entrants get some feedback and have the
opportunity to meet others who do similar stuff. It also is a great
opportunity for folks to hone their judging skills. Folks who just want to
see the cool stuff being made are also more than welcome to come out.
If someone wishes to enter, they find a sponsor - someone who has a Crucible
(or equivalent) or a Laurel. The hope is that the Crucibles and Laurels
would make it known they want to sponsor folks. The sponsor acts like a
mentor, and helps prepare the person and answer questions about
documentation, is there to bounce ideas off of... that sort of thing.
There is a FB page or you can email and we will assist.
Entries do not have to be 100% completed, it can be a work progress or even
a failed attempt. Documentation does not need to be a novel or dissertation
- a basic what, why, how, what inspired it, etc is great.
In addition, all the items are on display and everyone who attends the event
is encouraged to walk around and view the entries and see which ones they
are particularly impressed with, and leave small tokens like beads or
chocolate for entrant's to say, "Hey, I really think this is nifty".
Every sponsor donates and/or creates one "cool dubis" for every person they
During the judging, the entrant has face to face interactions with
(hopefully) 3 judges in discussion format. This is for friendly feed back
and the judges evaluate the entrants' projects, and make suggestions as far
as what could be done differently, how to improve the documentation, what
resources the entrant might not be aware of... that sort of thing. It's
"Intro to Judging 101", in a non-threatening, non-confrontational
environment with the main goal to encourage people who don't have a lot of
experience with competition. The 'judging' is more like a round table where
people sit with the entrant and give them face to face feedback and would be
a sharing of information and ideas. Entrant can ask questions etc.
Towards the end of the day, the sponsors will go and get the name of an
entrant with a project that they like... and it's a good idea to have
several in mind in case someone else has already grabbed the name you
wanted. :-) Preferably not someone you sponsored. The idea is that
everyone who enters gets a prize from someone just for entering. During
court the sponsors hand the herald the name, the entrant gets called up and
receives their prize from a sponsor. There will also be a Queen's Choice for
the entry Her Majesty is most impressed by. We will also have a Judge's
choice entrant (not to be the same as the Queen's choice).
Entrant Information
* Entrants must be sponsored by a Companion of the Order of the
Crucible (or equivalent), or a Companion to the Order of the Laurel.
* Each entrant is entitled to one entry.
* Entries that have been entered before in any Arts and Sciences
Championship or equivalent outside Ealdormere, Queen's Prize Tournament or
equivalent, are not eligible for entry.
* Judging will be conducted in a face-to-face manner against Novice
Sponsor Information
* Sponsors may sponsor a maximum of five entries.
* Sponsors may not judge the entrants they sponsored.
* Sponsors must bring one prize per each entrant sponsored. These
prizes will be awarded at Court and must be awarded to entrants who were
sponsored by another sponsor.
* Sponsors must be in attendance at the Event
* Sponsors are encouraged to work with entrants on the development of
their entries.
* Sponsor's much bring one prize per entrant sponsored. If they
sponsor a child they are asked to provide a prize suitable to a child.
* There will be a Queen's Prize award for the entry of Her Majesty's
* Each entrant will receive a prize from one of the sponsors (not
their sponsor).
* Those individuals judging shall vote towards the recipient of a
Judge's Choice Award. Typically the prize basket is a collection of items
contributed from those individuals who judged.
I will happily accept donations to both the Queen's Choice and the Judges'
I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful displays! Any questions
regarding QPT should be directed to qptwrangler@gmail.com
In Service,
Princess Ealdormere