Today, while onsite at the SCA 50 Year Event, Her Majesty Adrielle posted the following to the Ealdormere Facebook group:
Ealdormere and Calontir have long held bonds of friendship, and this gesture is one in a long tradition of the two "sons of the dragon" showing their affection for each other.People of Ealdormere, We have most wondrous news. While on our annual pilgrimage to our sister Kingdom of Calontir [at Lillies], his Majesty and I were most honoured and humbled by Their Highnesses of Calontir Logan and Ylva who declared that at Pennsic, Calontir would not stand with the Mid or East but would declare for Ealormere. Such news brought tears to our eyes and joy to our hearts. We look forward to having our Kingdoms stand side by side against the dragon at Pennsic. Wassail Calontir! Wassail Ealdormere!