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July Issue of The Tidings is now Available!

We are pleased to let you know that the July 2015 Kingdom Newsletters are now available to all current Sustaining and International members for your review.

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No Registration is Required - to visit the enewsletter site, please go to http://enewsletter.sca.org to access.

Please use your Membership Number as your User ID and the beginning password is the word start. We would advise you to change your password to one of your choosing upon entry.

If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Member Services.

Kind Regards,
The Membership Staff
SCA, Inc.
(800) 789-7486
email: membership@sca.org

The SCA Diffusion Study

[Originally posted on the AEthelmearc Gazette and reprinted with permission.]
THLord Thomas the Green recently created a survey he calls the “SCA Diffusion Study,” in which he is attempting to determine how the Society has spread over its 50 years. You can contribute to the survey here. Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope interviewed His Lordship about the project.
When did you join the SCA? Where are you from?
I joined the SCA in 1993 at the Shire of Dernehealde, Barony of the Middle Marches, Midrealm, in Athens Ohio, (Ohio University). Oddly enough, I’ve always lived in the Midrealm.
What sorts of activities do you like to do in the SCA?
Over the years I have been a group Seneschal for the Shire of Drakelaw, in Ashland, KY, a group Herald (same), a Herald at Large within the North and South Oaken region of the Midrealm, and a Silent Herald. I’ve also been a Fencing Marshal and the baronial fencing Champion for the Barony of the Middle Marches, as well as a heavy weapon spearman. Principally, though, I’m a scribe. I’m apprenticed to Mistress Katarina Helene von Schoenborn. So I’ve been pushing ink / graphite / lead for … nearly 15 years or so. It’s part of my monastic persona.
What do you do in the real world?
In real life I’m a doctoral student in sociology at Kent State University. Before enrolling here, I was a full-time instructor of sociology at Shawnee State University for the past 8 years (which seems sort of backwards, but it’s a long story).
What made you decide to do the SCA Diffusion Study?
The idea for the SCA Diffusion Study is one of those “No kidding, there I was” stories. Like many things in the SCA, it all began with a road trip. I was on the road with a good friend of mine who is also a Scadian. Mundanely she’s Dr. Amy Rock, Humboldt State University Department of Geography; in the SCA she’s Lady Catriona MacRath. Originally from the Middle Marches and the Midrealm like me – we met back in college – now she’s a transplant out to the West Kingdom. Her big focus both within and outside of the SCA is cartography so it’s a natural fit to ask for her help in the project. We were talking about how we’re now in A.S. 50, and I commented about how the SCA spread around the country and the world. Both of us knew the stories that the Society started in California and then moved around as people relocated either to or from universities or military bases. But, being a doctoral student, I came up with the idea of actually studying the process as a measure of cultural diffusion; how an idea, like the SCA, moves throughout society. Since Catriona is a cultural geographer and I’m a cultural sociologist., between the two of us we basically came up with the idea of putting the data (when groups were founded) on a map to track how the idea of the SCA spread.
Diffusion survey
I’ve done on-line research before and after a quick survey of what was available on sites like Midrealm Wiki, I figured that the best way to collect the data was to let SCAdians help me out. There’s enough “living history” out there that someone would be most likely to know when a group, barony, principality, etc. was formed. Once the form was completed on Google Docs, it was a simple matter of getting it out into the SCAdian hive-mind.
Other than social media, how are you distributing this study?
 Currently the survey form is being sent around through social media like Facebook, with email sent to a few people I knew in other kingdoms who could spread it on their end, since I’m only a member of the Midrealm and SCA Facebook groups.
Have you thought about how to find information on defunct groups?
The topic of defunct groups is why, specifically, I hit social media. I can dig through records like Gandalf in Minas Tirith but it seemed logical and efficient to ask the SCAdian population at large to help identify which groups are no longer in operation. I would have no idea where to even look for groups who aren’t currently reporting – especially groups that may have formed and gone cold twenty or thirty years ago.
When did you initiate the survey, and how many responses have you received to date? How has it been received?
So far people have been fairly curious about the project and I’ve received a lot of comments from people who were trying to pull in some of those ‘living history’ members who would know the history of the SCA within their region. So far I’ve received 40 responses and the project has only been live for 24 hours (since June 10 at 9 a.m.). I’m going to be tracking the progress on a weekly basis by kingdom, so if I know the total number of active groups (shires, baronies, etc.) within a given kingdom, I can measure how close I am to having data on all of the current groups for each kingdom. I already have responses from Middle, East, Caid, Calontir, Atlantia, and Ansteorra to just name a few, so the word is definitely getting out.
Have you contacted anyone at the Society level to gain additional data?
There was a post on one of the Facebook pages from someone mentioning that I should review the Board meeting minutes since any new group’s origin would be listed in them as an official point of business. I have no idea how to access those minutes but they would be a great resource. I’ll probably use them to fill in the gaps as needed and serve as a comparison between what was reported.
The Board minutes would only indicate when the group became official. That could be years after its founding. However, they would also list any groups that had been dissolved.
Right. Defunct groups will be plugged in as we get them. That may be what I look for in the Board’s minutes – to find where groups did exist but have gone dormant. There may be pockets of a kingdom’s territory that may have been active at one time but are now generally quiet.
You’ll probably also find groups that spring up and then die over and over again in the same location. Small towns and college groups are prone to that.
Yup. which hopefully we can track. What began as a brain teaser of “I wonder how the SCA spread around the world” will probably turn into a much larger project once I start digging through the responses and putting the information in order.
What sort of information do you expect or hope to learn from it, besides the obvious of how the SCA spread over time?
The study of diffusion is a lengthy one. I’m basically tracking an idea. This method only tracks the path the idea took, which is not exactly the same thing as the process. Many people have already told me stories of how one principality was founded when Duke-Sir-Someone broke down on the road and was helped by some people. They asked about the medieval stuff in his car and voila… the idea is passed from person to person.
What do you plan to do with the information you gain?
The idea is to take all of the information on the form (group’s name, area, first year, etc.) and plug it into a GIS (Geographical Information Systems) program. This is where my friend Lady Catriona, the Cultural Geographer, comes in. We can then plot, by year, where certain areas (probably by county) ‘went active’. Since we have 50 years of the SCA, I’d have 50 layers of map, and each one would show which counties light up (are active) or fade (go inactive) over that time period. There will most likely be various iterations of this mapping project where we track active groups over the years and then compare that information to the location of college campuses and military bases around the country/world.
Do you see this information as having a practical application? Or is it mostly of historical / social interest?
As far as practical applications for the research, there are a few things that we’re playing with. An interesting feature of GIS is that we can use existing trends (the spread of a cultural trend like the SCA) not only to see where the trend has come from but also to predict where it will most likely originate next. And that’s the really interesting stuff. Basically, this project will help shed light on questions like: “What is necessary to facilitate the creation of an SCA group?”
So could have predictive value?
I’m not as clear on how that part works, that’s where Catriona’s work in Cultural Geography kicks in. You would assume that SCA groups are formed in proximity to other SCA groups; so that you could have some degree of mentoring.
A lot of people have expressed concern that the Society is shrinking. The numbers I’ve seen on the Society’s membership levels seem to indicate that it’s increasing slightly in the past few months, with some kingdoms stronger than others. I wonder how your study results might correlate with that?
That’s also what I was curious about as well. With the economy being as it is – how much can people afford to “live the dream”? When I helped found the shire of Drakelaw in Ashland KY, we were across the river from an existing group in Ohio and only 30 minutes away from a group in Æthelmearc (Port Oasis). So we had a lot of other SCAdians around to help us build the idea of what the SCA was.
To participate in the survey, click here. If you have any questions about the survey, please email THLord Thomas. His Lordship has promised to update the Gazette once he has the data crunched from the survey. To see regular updates on the status of the study, you can Like its Facebook page.
Diff study Facebook page

Third Episode of Knowne World Bardcast Available


The third episode of the Knowne World Bardcast is now available online, and features several Ealdormerean songs:

The third episode of the Knowne World Bardcast, featuring the second installation of our Kingdom Anthems series. This episode features submissions from The West, Atenveldt, Caid, Meridies, Calontir, Ealdormere, and Avacal.  Panel discussion this month features Viscountess Syele Thorsdottir of the West, Master Effenwealt Wystle of Atlantia, Baroness Aneleda Falconbridge of The East and Lord Andrew Blackwood of The Middle Hosted and curated by Gideon ap Stephen of the Barony of Hawkwood in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  Curated and hosted by Gideon ap Stephen of the Barony of Hawkweed in the Kingdom of Atlantia.

TV Ontario to Film at War of the Trillium

Please be advised that TVOntario Kids will be filming on the Armored Combat Battlefield and/or the full site for Trillium War for a few hours on Saturday July 5th starting at roughly 9:00am. This season, the kids show "The Mystery Files" is running an overall story arc "How Leadership is Chosen". The show's young actor, a 13 year old boy, will be going to different groups (SCA, Aboriginal groups, etc.) to interview and learn about their leadership selection procedures.

This segment for the SCA focuses on choosing our King & Queen by tournament combat. The general outline is that the investigator will interview specified people to get the general idea of the SCA, learn how to throw a few sword blows, and then watch a "Crown Tournament". This production request has the full support of the Kingdom of Ealdormere.

If you do not wish yourself or your family to be included in the broadcast, or potentially captured in the background we please ask that you and/or your family stay clear of the battlefield and/or filming areas during this time period. Thank you for your cooperation.

HE Grom Meinfretr
Autocrat, War of the Trillium 2015

Court Report from Murder Melee

Honors given by Steinarr and Lidr, at Murder Melee , June 13 2015, A.S. 50

Countess Arlette de Saules

Maidens Heart
Christiana Mundegumry (was Christine Montgomery)

Scroll of Honour
Conal MacEarnan


Donation to the Kingdom (use to be determined) from the Shire of Trinovantia Nova $300 proceeds from Winter War profits.

Interview with Duchess Adrielle Kerrec, OP, OL

Photo by Master Eirik Andersen.
Duchess Adrielle Kerrec is well known within the Kingdom of Ealdormere, and in many other kingdoms besides. Recently she agreed to answer a few questions about her experiences in the SCA.

When did you first join the SCA?
I first learned of the SCA when I was in highschool.  My boyfriend at the time (eventual Baron of Septentria - Ieuan)  had been to Pennsic the year before and convinced me into going.  Pennsic was my first and second SCA event.  It was significantly smaller then. It was very humid my first Pennsic and we had to sleep in a VW Rabbit as the tent we had collapsed instantly in one of Pennsic's famous torrential downpours.  We didn't know the SCA existed at all in Ontario until that 2nd Pennsic when we met other Canadians - namely Cordigan, Aedan and a few others. Shortly thereafter we joined the SCA and founded Petrea Thule.

What activities do you enjoy most?
Hm, depends who you ask,  my husband would say politics :)    Other than that I'd say the social-ness of it.  I love the diversity of persons it has and the friendships I've made - through the SCA I have met so many friends who have become very important in my life - first and foremost Nigel.  I've been lucky enough to travel all over the world and meet people who I have developed real and lasting meaningful friendships with.  I am continually inspired by the people I meet - by their talents and generosity of skills and spirit. 

You are now a triple peer (a Laurel, a Pelican and a Royal Peer). How has becoming a Peer changed the game for you, for good or ill?
Not sure it has changed the game for me but I'm sure others would say it has.  I have always participated in the SCA for my own amusement first and foremost - perhaps that is selfish.  I refused long ago to jump through hoops, preferring to set fire to them if need be.  I am aware that as a Peer I need to be mindful of my actions and how they can be perceived and I also try not to knowingly rain on others' fun.  Some aspects of becoming a peer have been incredibly painful for me on a personal level and have made me question myself and others, but ultimately I prefer to see being a Peer is a gift, especially a Royal Peer.  One thing I think all persons in the SCA have in common is a childhood vision of what a King and Queen or Knight is.  As a Crown you are given the privilege of embodying someone's childhood vision - you can either bring their childhood dream to life or crush it.  I try to be a good example but my mischievous tendencies sometimes subvert that (ok often subvert that)

Were you ever a dependant to someone (an apprentice, protégée or squire)?
Yes, I was apprenticed to Mistress Dulcinea Maria Magdalena von Muhlberg y Aguilar, Baronesa.   We had a long distance student - peer relationship based soundly in friendship but she taught me a great deal about having fun and  following your bliss as well as the arts.  We remain friends to this day and she continues to be an active inspiration in the SCA.

I was also a student to Meriel de Blackwoode, called Myrra, who is a Mistress of the Pelican (and Laurel)  - I was not and am not comfortable with the concept of protégés but Myrra and I had a lot in common and I agreed to be her student.  She taught me a great deal about SCA administration and managing politics.   

You have several dependants of your own. What are your thoughts and traditions when it comes to taking on a dependant?
Hm what I thought when I first became a peer and what has actually transpired are somewhat different.  I was sure when I became a peer that I would not have many folks who would want to be my dependant. However, I have been humbled to have multiple students and apprentices, more than I planned in fact :)      I think we all are learning as we go.    As far as traditions go, I am a fan of not rushing into a relationship.  For me the student - peer relationship is a serious commitment and not to be entered into lightly.  I encourage folks to ask allot of questions of me and others and to define what they want from a student-peer relationship, including seeking out opinions from those they have no interest in being an associate of.  All of my dependants have been my student first for a period of time to make sure things work and that our expectations of each other are in line.  If the time comes that we both agree that an apprenticeship  is appropriate, we enter into a formal contract.   I would like to hope that my relationship with my dependants is one of mutual respect and affection and the willingness to bail one another out should the need arrise.   The Arrochar crew is pretty awesome and I am humbled and proud of the household that has developed.

Have you and your dependants formed a household?
Loaded question. The joke is that I don't have  household, but a household has me.  I have mixed feelings about households and feel they can undermine the fabric of a Kingdom/Barony/Group, something Master Pavel from Calontir taught me. That being said, we (Nigel and I)  have ended up with a household, Arrochar - we try to be mindful that the household's number one goal is to support the Canton/Barony/Kingdom first before the household.  This has been evident in the rolls and offices the members of Arrochar continue to take on - everything from local officers, autocrats, feastocrats, to landed Baronage, Kingdom Officers and Crown.   

What is your proudest moment in the SCA?
I am blessed to have a ton of such moments...............first is being a Knights lady and seeing Nigel elevated to the Chivalry and the day he won his first Crown.
Second would be the first QPT, the memory of which still brings tears to my eyes.  I was so proud to see how the Kingdom accepted the idea and has run with it
Third being Baroness of Septentria and my first Pennsic as Baroness.  Somehow Ieuan and I were blessed with having the support and affection of not just our Barony but the Kingdom and it resulted in a magical moment on the battlefield that I will never forget.  
Fourth being on the BoD and knowing I helped make the game better by helping remove some ugly parts and playing a part in the creation of equestrian armoured combat.
I've been lucky and proud to beg the boons for friends, to be granted foreign honours and earn the affection of others including those in our household.

You are a former Baroness of Septentria. How has the barony changed since that time? And what traditions did you begin that are still followed today?
It has changed in that as Ealdormere became a Kingdom, Septentria is not as 'grand' as it once was. That's not a bad thing, just a fact as prior to there being a Principality or Kingdom the Barony was the focus and the Baron and Baroness were the 'royalty' most of the populace had contact with.  The Crown of our parent Kingdom, the Middle, did not often make it to the Barony so its roll was different.  The Barony has gotten smaller over time with shires and other Baronies being split off her, folks are used to having a King and Queen and Prince and Princess they see often as well as their Baron and Baroness.   I like to think that the Barony continues to be the Heart of Ealdormere.    As far as traditions go, Kaffa once called me her 'true daughter'. With that comes a respect and appreciation of the old traditions - we carried on with our own Cup and the one we helped create was the giving of rings.  I have always liked the minimal number of awards Septentria has but that does not mean folks do not deserver recognition.  Ieuan and I felt that it was just as important for people to publically recognize one another and as such we encouraged folks to give rings in recognition of one another in our court.  I am thrilled that the practice has continued and there are countless 'legacy rings' in circulation. 

How invested are you with Septentria today?
Very much so.  If I wasn't I would not participate in each and every Baronial selection.  I like to keep up to date on the officers, cantons and happenings - good and bad.  If possible I help where I can and try to encourage and be a cheerleader.  I've had great fun hosting Baronial events including 12th night and the recent Baronial Investiture.   I love the Barony in its entirety

What about the kingdom?
Again I would say very much so.   I have been part of the Kingdom since the beginning and was the 2nd Kingdom Seneschal.  I was proud to be a Midrealmer and I am proud to be Ealdormerian and as with the Barony I try to help where I can, encourage and be a cheerleader for all activities.  I am very proud to have started several 'traditions' in the Kingdom including Rose Tourney and QPT.  One of my biggest joys while being Crown was being able to show off the people Ealdormere and their amazing talents to the Known World.

How important are traditions to you?
Very as they provide much of the continuity. That being said, I also strongly believe that there also needs to be the freedom to allow new traditions to develop and grow so long as they do so 'organically' and are not imposed.   

You once served on the Board of Directors. Would you care to comment on your experiences during that time, especially for our readers who may not have much knowledge of the BoD or exactly what it does?
I loved my time on the Board and would do it again in a heartbeat.  For me it was an opportunity to give back to the SCA and to help make it a better place - a chance to get rid of those who would crush other's dreams.  I got to see the birth of a new Kingdom, travelled to Drachenwald and made incredible deep and lasting friendships in my time on the Board.   It is a far more difficult job then many know, there are hard decisions to be made and folks are far quick to judge what the BoD does.  I wish there was better communication from the current Board with its decisions and thought process but it is what it is.  I try to seek answers, try not to complain without a suggestion for resolution  and share the information I am able to obtain.

You are well known for your sense of humour. What is one of the funniest moments you can recall?
Wow that is tough.  Humour can be very subjective so what I find amusing may not be so for others.  I am proud to be an OAF of Calontir - fun generators for lack of a better phrase.  In that capacity there have been some pretty awesome shenanigans here at home, and in other Kingdoms - the taco bar, fireworks at Lilies, chalk drawings at the Green Dragon, omelettes at Pennsic.  Prior to that there was the tale of Spot, quests for baby knights, the fez brigade, a tablero games and classic golf cart safaris and shenanigans.

Do you have any plans in the works you’d like to talk about?
World domination?  No really, I have no plans other than to keep enjoying the SCA with my friends and family.  I love what Arrochar as a group has become and look forward to what we can achieve.   I want to continue to be an active part of Ealdormere and Septentria in whatever capacity they will have me. I am hopeful to help add to and improve the Kingdom's regalia.  I'd happily serve as an Officer again and Crown should the gods deem it just.   I will continue to travel to other Kingdoms and drag anyone who shows interest along with me.  One of the greatest gifts the SCA provides is that of friendship and camaraderie beyond our Kingdom

Rose Tourney at War of the Trillium

Duchess Adrielle Kerrec will once again be organizing a Rose Tourney at War of the Trillium:

Once again there will be a Rose Tournament at Trillies. It has been scheduled for Saturday after Court. Court is set for 5pm. We are hoping to be going at or before 7pm dependant of course on Their Royal Majesties wishes.

The format will be the same as in prior years . Specifically, each team will consist of one rapier combatant & two unbelted armoured combatant fighters. Each bout will consist of three passes - a pass between opposing Roses' unbelt, followed by a rapier pass and then the 2nd unbelt pass (or whatever order the Roses choose, they can even choose to have their armoured combatants fight as a two man team). The victor will be the Rose Team whose team has the greatest number of winning passes in the bout.

The Rose Tournament is unique in that the Ladies sponsor the field, and it is a special opportunity to showcase many of the ideals of the society including honor, courtesy, and presence on the field. The wish is to encourage and endorse those fighters who aspire to the highest ideals of chivalry and courtesy on the field of honourable combat. This tournament is what the SCA is about, for us to provide a forum for great deeds of valor;
courage and chivalry.

To that end entrants must meet the requirements listed below.
  • Participation is limited to unbelted fighters and non-royal Peers. 
  • The participant must be sponsored by a Lady of the Rose, who must be in attendance at the tournament. 
  • A Lady of the Rose may sponsor 3 participants in this tournament (2 unbelted armoured combatants and one rapier combatant). 
  • We'd like to encourage as period kits as possible. No visible plastic, no modern shoes or other mundane items if at all possible.

If you are interested in participating please feel free to approach any of the Ladies of the Rose. Some chose their teams in advance, some at the event.

The populace is encouraged to come out and bear witness to the Tournament and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

Duchess Adrielle

Pennsic Newcomers Social

On Sunday, August 2, from 2 – 4 pm, in AS15, the Chatelaines of AEthelmearc are once again hosting a Newcomers Social. All newcomers to Pennsic (or to the SCA in general) are invited to attend. The organizers are hopeful that several kingdom Chatelaines and members of the royalty will be in attendance. This will be a casual affair, and an opportunity for newcomers to ask questions and get to know people from around the Known World. Light refreshments will be served.

AS15 is one of the Pennsic University tents, and is located between the Lost & Found and the Dance Tents.

New Letter of Acceptance

Greetings from Nicolaa Green Mantle!

The following names and amoury have been registered with the Society:

  • Astriðr Einarsdottir. Alternate name Sapphira Roz Vardoe.
  • Ceallach O'Shea. Badge. (Fieldless) A trillium sable between and conjoined to three bees tails to center Or.
  • Ealdormere, Kingdom of. Badge. Per pale embattled sable and Or, an open book and a rapier counterchanged.
  • Gunter Wahlstedt. Badge. Per pale argent and sable, a domestic cat herissony and a bordure counterchanged.
  • Kaisa Haapalainen. Name.
  • Song Zidie. Alternate name Ozme van Helist and badge, Vert, on an altar Or an alder sprig vert.

Society’s Guidelines for Youth Combat at Pennsic and Changes to PA Laws

The following information has been forwarded to the East Kingdom by Baron Sir Jibril al-Dakhil, Earl Marshal of the East Kingdom, on behalf of the Society Seneschal. Originally posted by the East Kingdom Gazette.
Greetings Unto the East Kingdom: Below is the Society’s Guidelines
A.J. Pongratz
Society Seneschal
Vice President of Operations, SCA Inc.
In reviewing the official website of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services and the recent statute with other officers and agents of the SCA, I have determined that this statute will not impact on Heavy Combat or Rapier Combat by minor children of the age of 16 or 17 nor youth activities.
An adult volunteer responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children you will need clearances beginning July 1, 2015; if approved as a volunteer before July 1, 2015, the volunteer has until July 1, 2016, to get an FBI clearance. Volunteers responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children can include:
Parent/Guardian chaperones for schools
Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts
Agency volunteers that help with transportation or other services
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Literacy programs
Little League
Church Sunday school teachers, child event coordinators
Hospital volunteers working with children
In determining if a volunteer is responsible for the welfare of a child, only a volunteer acting in lieu of or on behalf of a parent, will need clearances. It is important to note that in SCA combat and youth activities, the parent of the child is effectively required to be present and that the marshal merely officiates over the safety of the heavy and rapier field. The rules set forth in the Seneschal’s Handbook regarding Youth Activities, including Youth Combat, the SCA, its officers and agents do not maintain care and custody of a minor child; unlike Boy Scout Leaders and coaches, SCA volunteers do not have care and custody of minor children. As the Seneschal’s Handbook (part of the SCA’s Governing Documents) indicates that no officer or agent may, under color of authority, may be in loco parentis (in the place of the parents):
3. Parents or guardians of minors shall have ultimate responsibility for the welfare and behavior of their children at all times. It is the responsibility of the adult who brings a minor to an event to ensure that the minor is safe and not in danger. At events and activities in which youth participate in any way, participating minors must either have a parent or legal guardian present at the event/activity, or a temporary guardian present in possession of a properly executed ―Medical Authorization Form for Minors.‖ This Medical Authorization Form must designate an adult present at the event or activity as able to authorize medical treatment in the case of emergency (a form of temporary guardianship).
As no officer or agent of the SCA may provide care, guidance, supervision or control of children in an official capacity. no volunteer acting in an official capacity by and for the SCA is covered by the “new” Pennsylvania statute by virtue of the fact that our volunteers are not “acting in lieu of or on behalf of a parent”; however, if the SCA volunteer has direct contact with children because they provide routine interaction with children as an integral aspect of their volunteer position, e.g. Youth Officer or Youth Marshal, the individual must receive an FBI background check in excess of the standard SCA background check.
While some may question the concept of the “routine interaction with children” language, the Pennsylvania State Department of Health and Safety indicated that consideration should be given to what the volunteer’s role is within the agency. Is their contact with children regular, ongoing contact that is integral to their volunteer responsibilities? Clearly contact with youth is anticipated by Youth Officers and Youth Marshals; however, those individuals that do not have direct contact with children as an integral to their volunteer responsibilities, e.g. Marshals, Heralds, Gate Staff/Watch/Constables, Arts and Sciences Officers, Exchequers and Seneschals, need not obtain a clearance. Furthermore, there is a proposed amendment to clean up this language of this law by changing the definition of “direct contact” to mean that an individual provides care, supervision, guidance or control of children –AND- has routine interaction with children. The current definition in law uses the word “or” instead of “and”, but changing the definition will significantly narrow the universe of volunteers required to obtain the background checks (Youth Marshals and Youth Officers would be exempt), but this has not yet been enacted.
All prospective Youth Officer and Youth Marshal for Aethelmearc and the East Kingdom must obtain the following: Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP); and Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse). Additionally, a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent is required if the position the for is a paid position and the volunteer has lived outside Pennsylvania in the last 10 years.
From now until July 24, 2015:
The PSP criminal history clearance costs $10
The Child Abuse clearance costs $10
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) federal criminal history clearance costs $25.75
through the Department of Human Services (DHS)
Beginning July 25, 2015:
The PSP criminal history clearance costs $0
The Child Abuse clearance costs $0
The FBI federal criminal history clearance costs $25.75 through DHS
Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI Clearance because they are applying for an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years must swear or affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under §6344 to be placed in the custody of the Kingdom Seneschal.
If a volunteer is arrested for or convicted of an offense that would constitute grounds for denying participation in a program, activity or service, or is named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report, the volunteer must provide the administrator or their designee with written notice not later than 72 hours after the arrest, conviction or notification that the person has been listed as a perpetrator in the statewide database. A volunteer who willfully fails to disclose information as required above commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination or denial of a volunteer position.
Individuals who reside in another state or country may serve as a volunteer for no more than 30 days as long as they provide clearances from their state or country of residence. If the individual will be volunteering for more than 30 days, they must obtain clearances as outlined above under “Which clearances are needed.” Volunteers who reside in Pennsylvania do not have a provisional period and must obtain clearances as outlined above under “Which clearances are needed.” As Pennsic is less than 30 days, there is no need to have any volunteer from another state have a background check in excess of what is required in their own home state.
While Youth Marshals and Youth Officers should apply for a background check through the Department of Human Services, the monitoring and maintenance of Background Check Clearances, the responsibility for maintaining Youth Marshal and Youth Officer background checks should be monitored and maintained by the Kingdom Seneschals. I will leave it to the respective Seneschals to determine the method for maintaining and monitoring the clearance status in a reasonable manner for at least 3 years.
All Child Abuse clearance information is confidential and may not be released to other individuals. The Kingdom Seneschal must monitor and must maintain the paper work related to the background clearance; however, this information is confidential and can only be shared with another officer for an official purposes. As such, it should be up to the individual to obtain a background check and then submit the clearance to the appropriate Kingdom Officer. Upon submission of the clearance, the marshal or officer submitting to the check can either chose to tender the results to the Marshal or Seneschal (if they pass) or not tender the results (if they do not pass). Every individual who tenders the results should be reimbursed. In terms of maintaining the results of the check (whether the individual in question passes or does not pass), such results must be considered confidential.
Respectfully submitted this 1st day of July, 2015.
A.J. Pongratz
Society Seneschal, V.P. Operations SCA, Inc.

Royal Court Report - War of the Trillium

Honors given by Steinarr and Lidr, at Trillium Wars Afternoon Court, July 4, 2015, A.S. 50

Award of Arms
Eoin MacAlpen
Rose of Greyfells

Order of the Laurel
Catherine Townson


Change of Lawspeaker.. Outgoing Baroness Xristinia, incomming THLady Elenid ferch Angor.

Honors given by Steinarr and Lidr, at Trillium Wars Evening Court, July 4, 2015, A.S. 50

Scarlett Banner
Jack Mungo

Order of the Wain
Aurelia Gambriani
Amelius Claudius Rattanicus

Order of the Crucible
Orlaith inghen Cinada meic Briain

Order of the Pelican
Percival de la Rocque


Charter proclaimed for the Ealdormere Brewers Guild.

Septentria Court Report - War of the Trillium

Honors given by Dafydd and Mahhild, at War of the Trillium, July 4, 2015, A.S. L

Golden Bear
Lady Ailis de la Marche
THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr

Bear\'s Claw
THL Brendan Hunterson


Outgoing champions dismissed: Lord Rorik of Septentria (Armoured), Lord Einar Inn Austrifera Josepson (Archery), Lord Geoffroy Richardson (called G.G.--Rapier) and Lord Geirrart* (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).

Incoming champions appointed: THL Graeme de Liste de Cherbourg (Armoured), Nemy the Non-Speaking (Archery), THL Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell (Rapier), Lord Geirhart (name & title not avail in OP--Thrown).

Lord Fuld Beauxarmes stepped down as Seneschal of Petrea Thule, succeeded by THL Brendan Hunterson.

THL Catriona inghean Ragnaill announced the winners of the Thrown Weapons tournament--THL Thorfinna gra\'feldr (overall), James (new thrower) and Christopher (youth).

Baronial announcements were made regarding Pennsic, and the contest to design the children\'s Bear Cub award medallion.

[*Editor's note: Gerart vander Borch]

Powering Your CPAP at Pennsic


An increasing number of Society members are being prescribed CPAP machines, to help with their breathing at night. Using a CPAP machine at camping events like Pennsic can be problematic, since they require power that’s often not available in many camps. And since Pennsic is coming up very soon, this is an issue confronting many.
To assist with that, Master Phillip teaches a class at Pennsic on how to power your medical devices when away from commercial power. In order to help people acquire what they need before they actually get to Pennsic, he has uploaded his class handout here. (PDF file warning).
[Originally posted on the Midrealm Gazette.]

Agenda for July 11 Board of Directors Meeting Posted

Land Block and Road Closures for Pennsic 44


Posted to Facebook earlier today:

From the Mayor’s Office Regarding Campground Restrictions due to Weather Conditions

Be advised that these restrictions & closings only apply for PW44.

Due to abnormal rainfall this year some areas of Cooper’s LakeCampgroundare very wet and muddy (and have a high probability for vehicles becoming stuck). Due to that and potential complications of further rain, both before and during the event, the Mayor and the Land Staff are placing the following restrictions and closings into effect. See the list below to find out if your campsite is affected; on site look for Red Lines which will be painted around or within blocks denoting closed sections.

Blocks that are closed or restricted:
• All of E-32.
• All of W-19.
• All of W-23.
• Part of W-21 closed, west of site 52 (the fire pit is okay).
• Part of N-15 closed, the eastern portion just past the water spigot.
• E-31 (The Island) is no longer handicapped accessible! The Islandis campable, but muddy & prone to flooding in severe weather. Camping on the Island will be allowed, but campers are advised that this is at their own risk due to the possibility of flooding. No vehicles will be allowed on the Island. No trailers will be delivered to the Island. The foot bridge is the only access to The Island; if you choose to camp there your encampment must make arrangements to move your gear by hand from storage to your encampment & back to storage at the end of War. Note: The Cooper’s will not be able to make any site improvements to the Islandto alleviate muddy conditions.
• W-09 is not closed, but has Driving Restrictions—cars may not drive off of the of the gravel road.

Roads that are closed or restricted:
• Howard’s Fenway is closed.
• Nagashino Road, between B05 and B09 is closed.
• Hill Road, is restricted to one way traffic (south bound only!) from the Low Road to Good Intentions.

Other block restrictions/concerns:
• N-12 is not closed, but there will be no single campers on the block.
• W-20: very muddy & prone to flooding in severe weather.
• No ground fires are allowed on the Battlefield.
• No ground fires are allowed in the southernmost section of E11.

Land staff will be in touch with those groups affected by closings and restrictions and every attempt will be made to accommodate needs of campers. If you are forced to move this year you will still get your land point. Next year you will be allowed back into your block.

Storage Trailers

If you have a storage trailer that the Cooper’s deliver to your campsite for unloading, it may be required to remain there for the duration of Pennsic depending on your encampment’s conditions. No extra footage will be allowed for your storage trailer; you must make room it in your encampment. While the driver will attempt to meet your requests, we cannot guarantee that your trailer will be placed where you want it to be.

If you choose not to have your trailer moved to your camp site, you are responsible for unloading, moving the contents of the trailer to your site, & loading it again at the end of war. You will not be allowed to tow your trailer yourself from storage to your site.

Construction Projects

We understand that due to muddy conditions some groups may wish to build structures or modify the land to alleviate the mud, be advised, however, that NO changes to the landscape or building projects in encampments may take place without the direct permission of the Coopers! If you have a water/mud issue and you MUST come to the War Room and discuss it with the Coopers BEFORE you can make changes/build anything in your camp. NO ONE will be allowed on site before July 24th to view or work in any encampments. Failure to get appropriate permissions from the Coopers for modifications to alleviate mud may get you expelled from the site.

A Final Word

This is a difficult situation, we know. We also know how you all feel about your Pennsic encampments, but we hope that everyone will be understanding of the unusual conditions this year that require these changes. These block restrictions & closings only apply for PW44. We hope our attendees will be understanding of the compressed conditions necessary this year and conserve and share the space with grace and courtesy.
If you have any questions concerning the above announcements, please email Land Staff.

Thank You for your patience & understanding.

Baron Illiam Uaine, Mayor Pennsic War 44

Chirurgeonate to be Closed

                The decision has been made to close the Office of the Chirurgeonate as of August 10th, 2015.  The board and corporate officers want to extend their gratitude for ALL who have served our organization in this capacity in the past. To those who have provided feedback, questions, and worked to explore options for scopes of the office that would allow our organization to retain the office and maintain insurance coverage for the officers and our organization, many thanks as well.

                To clarify some of the concerns that have been raised during the many discussions of this change, the board and corporate officers want to provide the following information:
o        The Society Seneschal has been directed to remove references to the Chirurgeonate from the Record Retention Policy.  Existing records should be retained for 2 years for adults, 21 years for minors, then shredded to ensure any Personally Identifying Information is destroyed.
§         Local groups should sort records into Adult, Minor and Destroy categories and ship (paid for by the local group) records to the corporate office. The corporate office will retain records and handle the shredding.
§         Each Kingdom has thirty business days to transport these records to the corporate office.
o        Event Coordinators/Stewards/Autocrats are still responsible for arranging for EMS on site if that is required by municipal/county/state requirements. This most often will apply to large events projecting an attendance greater than the threshold set by the applicable modern agency. It is recommended to include information regarding distance from site to medical care in event announcements, particularly for camping events.
o        The marshallate will still be responsible for reporting injuries on the field. Seneschals will still be responsible for reporting injuries (particularly requiring transport) as currently directed.
o        Tangible assets owned by SCA branches that are specific to the Office of the Chirurgeon may be retained or donated or sold, in accordance with applicable financial policies.
o        Over the counter medications may not be purchased by SCA branches to distribute or make available to event attendees.
o        The badge of the fleam will remain available for those individual volunteers (not affiliated with the SCA, Inc. and its Kingdoms and local groups) willing to provide basic first aid.

Should additional questions or concerns regarding this change arise, please direct them to the SCA President, at president@sca.org

Our thanks again, to all the volunteers that have helped keep our organization going for 50 years!

Leslie Vaughn
President, SCA, Inc

A.J. Pongratz
Vice President of Operations, SCA, Inc.

Pennsic Youth Marshaling

[Posted to FaceBook and the Ealdormere e-list today:]


As you may be aware there has been some mundane law changes within the State of Pennsylvaniawith regards to working with youths and how this would affect the SCA, Pennsic and more specifically the Marshals of Ealdormere.

Our Kingdom Seneschal, Mistress Jocea, has contacted the Society Seneschal directly and he has confirmed that the Marshals of Ealdormere do not need to under take any new processes to carry out Youth Marshal activities. Please continue to follow current Society/ Pennsic guidelines.

So go to Pennsic, have fun, volunteer and continue to make Ealdormere look good.
Thank you for your time and patience with regards to this matter.


Chirurgeons Guild Founded

Unto all Gentles of the Knowne World, whatsoever their title may be, does Mistress Fia Kareman send greetings.

It is with excitement that I announce that a Chirurgeons Guild has been established, and as of today, is considered active.

Several months ago, a small group of dedicated individuals came together to continue the tradition of the Chirurgeons and to provide first aid for those that request it at events held by the SCA. We have created a Handbook of Rules and Regulations of the Chirurgeons Guild, established a Googlegroups for discussion, set up a basic website, and an email for questions.

Most importantly, we are starting to follow these Rules and call ourselves a Guild, and act as such, at any event going forward. We may have a few growing pains, but we are eager to help and serve as we have always done.

Please feel free to use the links below to join the Guild, ask questions, provide suggestions, and read the Rules and Regulations as they currently stand. We look forward to your participation, input, and support into growing our Guild.

We welcome all questions, comments, and suggestions, as long as they remain civil. We want to make this the best that it can be moving forward, and hope that we have your support in doing so.

Mistress Fia Kareman, CSC, OP
Chirurgeon General of the Chirurgeons Guild

Next BoD Meeting Announced

The Board of Directors is excited to announce the 2015 Fourth Quarter Board of Directors Meeting to take place in the Sylvan Kingdom of Aethelmearc on Saturday, October 24, 2015.

The location is The Embassy Suites, Pittsburg International Airport, 550 Cherryington Parkway
Corapolis, PA 15108.  Start time is 9:00 a.m. ET.

Modern clothing is requested.  All members and interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email comments@lists.sca.org.

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Update regarding land at Pennsic

[Posted to Facebook earlier today:]

A letter from the Deputy Mayor for Land at Pennsic 44:

After spending last weekend at Cooper’s Lakeand looking at the situation there, several hard decisions were made for the 11,765 people preregistered for Pennsic.

No further condensing could be done on the 18 blocks that were seriously over-booked because most blocks could not sustain extra people without compromising the safety of the campers. The groups that had to be moved off their blocks due to this over-crowding were chosen based on the number of people needing to be moved. A total of 383 campers were over the limit in their block and we're relocated.

With 3 more storms forecast for this week, it would only get worse.

The blocks that were closed due to flooding added 91 campers to be moved due to their blocks closing (including the camps of the Mayor and Land1).

That made 474 campers for whom we needed to find another home, for this year ONLY. No seniority will be compromised! Tough decisions were made and we ask that you wait till you arrive and see the status of your block.

I will be available in the Great Hall during Land hours for anyone wishing to discuss this.

One, Pennsic 44

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